Source code for causalml.dataset.synthetic

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error as mse
from sklearn.metrics import auc
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from xgboost import XGBRegressor
from scipy.stats import entropy
import warnings

from causalml.inference.meta import BaseXRegressor, BaseRRegressor, BaseSRegressor, BaseTRegressor
from causalml.inference.tree import CausalTreeRegressor
from causalml.propensity import ElasticNetPropensityModel
from causalml.metrics import plot_gain, get_cumgain'fivethirtyeight')

KEY_GENERATED_DATA = 'generated_data'
KEY_ACTUAL = 'Actuals'


[docs]def get_synthetic_preds(synthetic_data_func, n=1000, estimators={}): """Generate predictions for synthetic data using specified function (single simulation) Args: synthetic_data_func (function): synthetic data generation function n (int, optional): number of samples estimators (dict of object): dict of names and objects of treatment effect estimators Returns: (dict): dict of the actual and estimates of treatment effects """ y, X, w, tau, b, e = synthetic_data_func(n=n) preds_dict = {} preds_dict[KEY_ACTUAL] = tau preds_dict[KEY_GENERATED_DATA] = {'y': y, 'X': X, 'w': w, 'tau': tau, 'b': b, 'e': e} # Predict p_hat because e would not be directly observed in real-life p_model = ElasticNetPropensityModel() p_hat = p_model.fit_predict(X, w) if estimators: for name, learner in estimators.items(): try: preds_dict[name] = learner.fit_predict(X=X, treatment=w, y=y, p=p_hat).flatten() except TypeError: preds_dict[name] = learner.fit_predict(X=X, treatment=w, y=y).flatten() else: for base_learner, label_l in zip([BaseSRegressor, BaseTRegressor, BaseXRegressor, BaseRRegressor], ['S', 'T', 'X', 'R']): for model, label_m in zip([LinearRegression, XGBRegressor], ['LR', 'XGB']): learner = base_learner(model()) model_name = '{} Learner ({})'.format(label_l, label_m) try: preds_dict[model_name] = learner.fit_predict(X=X, treatment=w, y=y, p=p_hat).flatten() except TypeError: preds_dict[model_name] = learner.fit_predict(X=X, treatment=w, y=y).flatten() learner = CausalTreeRegressor(random_state=RANDOM_SEED) preds_dict['Causal Tree'] = learner.fit_predict(X=X, treatment=w, y=y).flatten() return preds_dict
[docs]def get_synthetic_summary(synthetic_data_func, n=1000, k=1, estimators={}): """Generate a summary for predictions on synthetic data using specified function Args: synthetic_data_func (function): synthetic data generation function n (int, optional): number of samples per simulation k (int, optional): number of simulations """ summaries = [] for i in range(k): synthetic_preds = get_synthetic_preds(synthetic_data_func, n=n, estimators=estimators) actuals = synthetic_preds[KEY_ACTUAL] synthetic_summary = pd.DataFrame({label: [preds.mean(), mse(preds, actuals)] for label, preds in synthetic_preds.items() if label != KEY_GENERATED_DATA}, index=['ATE', 'MSE']).T synthetic_summary['Abs % Error of ATE'] = np.abs((synthetic_summary['ATE'] / synthetic_summary.loc[KEY_ACTUAL, 'ATE']) - 1) for label in synthetic_summary.index: stacked_values = np.hstack((synthetic_preds[label], actuals)) stacked_low = np.percentile(stacked_values, 0.1) stacked_high = np.percentile(stacked_values, 99.9) bins = np.linspace(stacked_low, stacked_high, 100) distr = np.histogram(synthetic_preds[label], bins=bins)[0] distr = np.clip(distr/distr.sum(), 0.001, 0.999) true_distr = np.histogram(actuals, bins=bins)[0] true_distr = np.clip(true_distr/true_distr.sum(), 0.001, 0.999) kl = entropy(distr, true_distr) synthetic_summary.loc[label, 'KL Divergence'] = kl summaries.append(synthetic_summary) summary = sum(summaries) / k return summary[['Abs % Error of ATE', 'MSE', 'KL Divergence']]
[docs]def scatter_plot_summary(synthetic_summary, k, drop_learners=[], drop_cols=[]): """Generates a scatter plot comparing learner performance. Each learner's performance is plotted as a point in the (Abs % Error of ATE, MSE) space. Args: synthetic_summary (pd.DataFrame): summary generated by get_synthetic_summary() k (int): number of simulations (used only for plot title text) drop_learners (list, optional): list of learners (str) to omit when plotting drop_cols (list, optional): list of metrics (str) to omit when plotting """ plot_data = synthetic_summary.drop(drop_learners).drop(drop_cols, axis=1) fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.set_size_inches(12, 8) xs = plot_data['Abs % Error of ATE'] ys = plot_data['MSE'] ax.scatter(xs, ys) ylim = ax.get_ylim() xlim = ax.get_xlim() for i, txt in enumerate(plot_data.index): ax.annotate(txt, (xs[i] - np.random.binomial(1, 0.5)*xlim[1]*0.04, ys[i] - ylim[1]*0.03)) ax.set_xlabel('Abs % Error of ATE') ax.set_ylabel('MSE') ax.set_title('Learner Performance (averaged over k={} simulations)'.format(k))
[docs]def bar_plot_summary(synthetic_summary, k, drop_learners=[], drop_cols=[], sort_cols=['MSE', 'Abs % Error of ATE']): """Generates a bar plot comparing learner performance. Args: synthetic_summary (pd.DataFrame): summary generated by get_synthetic_summary() k (int): number of simulations (used only for plot title text) drop_learners (list, optional): list of learners (str) to omit when plotting drop_cols (list, optional): list of metrics (str) to omit when plotting sort_cols (list, optional): list of metrics (str) to sort on when plotting """ plot_data = synthetic_summary.sort_values(sort_cols, ascending=True) plot_data = plot_data.drop(drop_learners + [KEY_ACTUAL]).drop(drop_cols, axis=1) plot_data.plot(kind='bar', figsize=(12, 8)) plt.xticks(rotation=30) plt.title('Learner Performance (averaged over k={} simulations)'.format(k))
[docs]def distr_plot_single_sim(synthetic_preds, kind='kde', drop_learners=[], bins=50, histtype='step', alpha=1, linewidth=1, bw_method=1): """Plots the distribution of each learner's predictions (for a single simulation). Kernel Density Estimation (kde) and actual histogram plots supported. Args: synthetic_preds (dict): dictionary of predictions generated by get_synthetic_preds() kind (str, optional): 'kde' or 'hist' drop_learners (list, optional): list of learners (str) to omit when plotting bins (int, optional): number of bins to plot if kind set to 'hist' histtype (str, optional): histogram type if kind set to 'hist' alpha (float, optional): alpha (transparency) for plotting linewidth (int, optional): line width for plotting bw_method (float, optional): parameter for kde """ preds_for_plot = synthetic_preds.copy() # deleted generated data and assign actual value del preds_for_plot[KEY_GENERATED_DATA] global_lower = np.percentile(np.hstack(preds_for_plot.values()), 1) global_upper = np.percentile(np.hstack(preds_for_plot.values()), 99) learners = list(preds_for_plot.keys()) learners = [learner for learner in learners if learner not in drop_learners] # Plotting plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) colors = ['black', 'red', 'blue', 'green', 'cyan', 'brown', 'grey', 'pink', 'orange', 'yellow'] for i, (k, v) in enumerate(preds_for_plot.items()): if k in learners: if kind == 'kde': v = pd.Series(v.flatten()) v = v[v.between(global_lower, global_upper)] v.plot(kind='kde', bw_method=bw_method, label=k, linewidth=linewidth, color=colors[i]) elif kind == 'hist': plt.hist(v, bins=np.linspace(global_lower, global_upper, bins), label=k, histtype=histtype, alpha=alpha, linewidth=linewidth, color=colors[i]) else: pass plt.xlim(global_lower, global_upper) plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) plt.title('Distribution from a Single Simulation')
[docs]def scatter_plot_single_sim(synthetic_preds): """Creates a grid of scatter plots comparing each learner's predictions with the truth (for a single simulation). Args: synthetic_preds (dict): dictionary of predictions generated by get_synthetic_preds() or get_synthetic_preds_holdout() """ preds_for_plot = synthetic_preds.copy() # deleted generated data and get actual column name del preds_for_plot[KEY_GENERATED_DATA] n_row = int(np.ceil(len(preds_for_plot.keys()) / 3)) fig, axes = plt.subplots(n_row, 3, figsize=(5 * n_row, 15)) axes = np.ravel(axes) for i, (label, preds) in enumerate(preds_for_plot.items()): axes[i].scatter(preds_for_plot[KEY_ACTUAL], preds, s=2, label='Predictions') axes[i].set_title(label, size=12) axes[i].set_xlabel('Actual', size=10) axes[i].set_ylabel('Prediction', size=10) xlim = axes[i].get_xlim() ylim = axes[i].get_xlim() axes[i].plot([xlim[0], xlim[1]], [ylim[0], ylim[1]], label='Perfect Model', linewidth=1, color='grey') axes[i].legend(loc=2, prop={'size': 10})
[docs]def get_synthetic_preds_holdout(synthetic_data_func, n=1000, valid_size=0.2, estimators={}): """Generate predictions for synthetic data using specified function (single simulation) for train and holdout Args: synthetic_data_func (function): synthetic data generation function n (int, optional): number of samples valid_size(float,optional): validaiton/hold out data size estimators (dict of object): dict of names and objects of treatment effect estimators Returns: (tuple): synthetic training and validation data dictionaries: - preds_dict_train (dict): synthetic training data dictionary - preds_dict_valid (dict): synthetic validation data dictionary """ y, X, w, tau, b, e = synthetic_data_func(n=n) X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val, w_train, w_val, tau_train, tau_val, b_train, b_val, e_train, e_val = \ train_test_split(X, y, w, tau, b, e, test_size=valid_size, random_state=RANDOM_SEED, shuffle=True) preds_dict_train = {} preds_dict_valid = {} preds_dict_train[KEY_ACTUAL] = tau_train preds_dict_valid[KEY_ACTUAL] = tau_val preds_dict_train['generated_data'] = { 'y': y_train, 'X': X_train, 'w': w_train, 'tau': tau_train, 'b': b_train, 'e': e_train} preds_dict_valid['generated_data'] = { 'y': y_val, 'X': X_val, 'w': w_val, 'tau': tau_val, 'b': b_val, 'e': e_val} # Predict p_hat because e would not be directly observed in real-life p_model = ElasticNetPropensityModel() p_hat_train = p_model.fit_predict(X_train, w_train) p_hat_val = p_model.fit_predict(X_val, w_val) for base_learner, label_l in zip([BaseSRegressor, BaseTRegressor, BaseXRegressor, BaseRRegressor], ['S', 'T', 'X', 'R']): for model, label_m in zip([LinearRegression, XGBRegressor], ['LR', 'XGB']): # RLearner will need to fit on the p_hat if label_l != 'R': learner = base_learner(model()) # fit the model on training data only, treatment=w_train, y=y_train) try: preds_dict_train['{} Learner ({})'.format( label_l, label_m)] = learner.predict(X=X_train, p=p_hat_train).flatten() preds_dict_valid['{} Learner ({})'.format( label_l, label_m)] = learner.predict(X=X_val, p=p_hat_val).flatten() except TypeError: preds_dict_train['{} Learner ({})'.format( label_l, label_m)] = learner.predict(X=X_train, treatment=w_train, y=y_train).flatten() preds_dict_valid['{} Learner ({})'.format( label_l, label_m)] = learner.predict(X=X_val, treatment=w_val, y=y_val).flatten() else: learner = base_learner(model()), p=p_hat_train, treatment=w_train, y=y_train) preds_dict_train['{} Learner ({})'.format( label_l, label_m)] = learner.predict(X=X_train).flatten() preds_dict_valid['{} Learner ({})'.format( label_l, label_m)] = learner.predict(X=X_val).flatten() return preds_dict_train, preds_dict_valid
[docs]def get_synthetic_summary_holdout(synthetic_data_func, n=1000, valid_size=0.2, k=1): """Generate a summary for predictions on synthetic data for train and holdout using specified function Args: synthetic_data_func (function): synthetic data generation function n (int, optional): number of samples per simulation valid_size(float,optional): validation/hold out data size k (int, optional): number of simulations Returns: (tuple): summary evaluation metrics of predictions for train and validation: - summary_train (pandas.DataFrame): training data evaluation summary - summary_train (pandas.DataFrame): validation data evaluation summary """ summaries_train = [] summaries_validation = [] for i in range(k): preds_dict_train, preds_dict_valid = get_synthetic_preds_holdout(synthetic_data_func, n=n, valid_size=valid_size) actuals_train = preds_dict_train[KEY_ACTUAL] actuals_validation = preds_dict_valid[KEY_ACTUAL] synthetic_summary_train = pd.DataFrame({label: [preds.mean(), mse(preds, actuals_train)] for label, preds in preds_dict_train.items() if KEY_GENERATED_DATA not in label.lower()}, index=['ATE', 'MSE']).T synthetic_summary_train['Abs % Error of ATE'] = np.abs( (synthetic_summary_train['ATE']/synthetic_summary_train.loc[KEY_ACTUAL, 'ATE']) - 1) synthetic_summary_validation = pd.DataFrame({label: [preds.mean(), mse(preds, actuals_validation)] for label, preds in preds_dict_valid.items() if KEY_GENERATED_DATA not in label.lower()}, index=['ATE', 'MSE']).T synthetic_summary_validation['Abs % Error of ATE'] = np.abs( (synthetic_summary_validation['ATE']/synthetic_summary_validation.loc[KEY_ACTUAL, 'ATE']) - 1) # calculate kl divergence for training for label in synthetic_summary_train.index: stacked_values = np.hstack((preds_dict_train[label], actuals_train)) stacked_low = np.percentile(stacked_values, 0.1) stacked_high = np.percentile(stacked_values, 99.9) bins = np.linspace(stacked_low, stacked_high, 100) distr = np.histogram(preds_dict_train[label], bins=bins)[0] distr = np.clip(distr/distr.sum(), 0.001, 0.999) true_distr = np.histogram(actuals_train, bins=bins)[0] true_distr = np.clip(true_distr/true_distr.sum(), 0.001, 0.999) kl = entropy(distr, true_distr) synthetic_summary_train.loc[label, 'KL Divergence'] = kl # calculate kl divergence for validation for label in synthetic_summary_validation.index: stacked_values = np.hstack((preds_dict_valid[label], actuals_validation)) stacked_low = np.percentile(stacked_values, 0.1) stacked_high = np.percentile(stacked_values, 99.9) bins = np.linspace(stacked_low, stacked_high, 100) distr = np.histogram(preds_dict_valid[label], bins=bins)[0] distr = np.clip(distr/distr.sum(), 0.001, 0.999) true_distr = np.histogram(actuals_validation, bins=bins)[0] true_distr = np.clip(true_distr/true_distr.sum(), 0.001, 0.999) kl = entropy(distr, true_distr) synthetic_summary_validation.loc[label, 'KL Divergence'] = kl summaries_train.append(synthetic_summary_train) summaries_validation.append(synthetic_summary_validation) summary_train = sum(summaries_train) / k summary_validation = sum(summaries_validation) / k return (summary_train[['Abs % Error of ATE', 'MSE', 'KL Divergence']], summary_validation[['Abs % Error of ATE', 'MSE', 'KL Divergence']])
[docs]def scatter_plot_summary_holdout(train_summary, validation_summary, k, label=['Train', 'Validation'], drop_learners=[], drop_cols=[]): """Generates a scatter plot comparing learner performance by training and validation. Args: train_summary (pd.DataFrame): summary for training synthetic data generated by get_synthetic_summary_holdout() validation_summary (pd.DataFrame): summary for validation synthetic data generated by get_synthetic_summary_holdout() label (string, optional): legend label for plot k (int): number of simulations (used only for plot title text) drop_learners (list, optional): list of learners (str) to omit when plotting drop_cols (list, optional): list of metrics (str) to omit when plotting """ train_summary = train_summary.drop(drop_learners).drop(drop_cols, axis=1) validation_summary = validation_summary.drop(drop_learners).drop(drop_cols, axis=1) plot_data = pd.concat([train_summary, validation_summary]) plot_data['label'] = [i.replace('Train', '') for i in plot_data.index] plot_data['label'] = [i.replace('Validation', '') for i in plot_data.label] fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.set_size_inches(12, 8) xs = plot_data['Abs % Error of ATE'] ys = plot_data['MSE'] group = np.array([label[0]] * train_summary.shape[0] + [label[1]] * validation_summary.shape[0]) cdict = {label[0]: 'red', label[1]: 'blue'} for g in np.unique(group): ix = np.where(group == g)[0].tolist() ax.scatter(xs[ix], ys[ix], c=cdict[g], label=g, s=100) for i, txt in enumerate(plot_data.label[:10]): ax.annotate(txt, (xs[i] + 0.005, ys[i])) ax.set_xlabel('Abs % Error of ATE') ax.set_ylabel('MSE') ax.set_title('Learner Performance (averaged over k={} simulations)'.format(k)) ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.1, 0.5))
[docs]def bar_plot_summary_holdout(train_summary, validation_summary, k, drop_learners=[], drop_cols=[]): """Generates a bar plot comparing learner performance by training and validation Args: train_summary (pd.DataFrame): summary for training synthetic data generated by get_synthetic_summary_holdout() validation_summary (pd.DataFrame): summary for validation synthetic data generated by get_synthetic_summary_holdout() k (int): number of simulations (used only for plot title text) drop_learners (list, optional): list of learners (str) to omit when plotting drop_cols (list, optional): list of metrics (str) to omit when plotting """ train_summary = train_summary.drop([KEY_ACTUAL]) train_summary['Learner'] = train_summary.index validation_summary = validation_summary.drop([KEY_ACTUAL]) validation_summary['Learner'] = validation_summary.index for metric in ['Abs % Error of ATE', 'MSE', 'KL Divergence']: plot_data_sub = pd.DataFrame(train_summary.Learner).reset_index(drop=True) plot_data_sub['train'] = train_summary[metric].values plot_data_sub['validation'] = validation_summary[metric].values plot_data_sub = plot_data_sub.set_index('Learner') plot_data_sub = plot_data_sub.drop(drop_learners).drop(drop_cols, axis=1) plot_data_sub = plot_data_sub.sort_values('train', ascending=True) plot_data_sub.plot(kind='bar', color=['red', 'blue'], figsize=(12, 8)) plt.xticks(rotation=30) plt.title('Learner Performance of {} (averaged over k={} simulations)'.format(metric, k))
[docs]def get_synthetic_auuc(synthetic_preds, drop_learners=[], outcome_col='y', treatment_col='w', treatment_effect_col='tau', plot=True): """Get auuc values for cumulative gains of model estimates in quantiles. For details, reference get_cumgain() and plot_gain() Args: synthetic_preds (dict): dictionary of predictions generated by get_synthetic_preds() or get_synthetic_preds_holdout() outcome_col (str, optional): the column name for the actual outcome treatment_col (str, optional): the column name for the treatment indicator (0 or 1) treatment_effect_col (str, optional): the column name for the true treatment effect plot (boolean,optional): plot the cumulative gain chart or not Returns: (pandas.DataFrame): auuc values by learner for cumulative gains of model estimates """ synthetic_preds_df = synthetic_preds.copy() generated_data = synthetic_preds_df.pop(KEY_GENERATED_DATA) synthetic_preds_df = pd.DataFrame(synthetic_preds_df) synthetic_preds_df = synthetic_preds_df.drop(drop_learners, axis=1) synthetic_preds_df['y'] = generated_data[outcome_col] synthetic_preds_df['w'] = generated_data[treatment_col] if treatment_effect_col in generated_data.keys(): synthetic_preds_df['tau'] = generated_data[treatment_effect_col] assert ((outcome_col in synthetic_preds_df.columns) and (treatment_col in synthetic_preds_df.columns) or treatment_effect_col in synthetic_preds_df.columns) cumlift = get_cumgain(synthetic_preds_df, outcome_col='y', treatment_col='w', treatment_effect_col='tau') auuc_df = pd.DataFrame(cumlift.columns) auuc_df.columns = ['Learner'] auuc_df['cum_gain_auuc'] = [auc(cumlift.index.values/100, cumlift[learner].values) for learner in cumlift.columns] auuc_df = auuc_df.sort_values('cum_gain_auuc', ascending=False) if plot: plot_gain(synthetic_preds_df, outcome_col=outcome_col, treatment_col=treatment_col, treatment_effect_col=treatment_effect_col) return auuc_df