Source code for causalml.inference.tree.plot

Visualization functions for forest of trees-based ensemble methods for Uplift modeling on Classification

from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
import pydotplus

[docs]def uplift_tree_string(decisionTree, x_names): ''' Convert the tree to string for print. Args ---- decisionTree : object object of DecisionTree class x_names : list List of feature names Returns ------- A string representation of the tree. ''' # Column Heading dcHeadings = {} for i, szY in enumerate(x_names + ['treatment_group_key']): szCol = 'Column %d' % i dcHeadings[szCol] = str(szY) def toString(decisionTree, indent=''): if decisionTree.results is not None: # leaf node return str(decisionTree.results) else: szCol = 'Column %s' % decisionTree.col if szCol in dcHeadings: szCol = dcHeadings[szCol] if isinstance(decisionTree.value, int) or isinstance(decisionTree.value, float): decision = '%s >= %s?' % (szCol, decisionTree.value) else: decision = '%s == %s?' % (szCol, decisionTree.value) trueBranch = indent + 'yes -> ' + toString(decisionTree.trueBranch, indent + '\t\t') falseBranch = indent + 'no -> ' + toString(decisionTree.falseBranch, indent + '\t\t') return (decision + '\n' + trueBranch + '\n' + falseBranch) print(toString(decisionTree))
[docs]def uplift_tree_plot(decisionTree, x_names): ''' Convert the tree to dot graph for plots. Args ---- decisionTree : object object of DecisionTree class x_names : list List of feature names Returns ------- Dot class representing the tree graph. ''' # Column Heading dcHeadings = {} for i, szY in enumerate(x_names + ['treatment_group_key']): szCol = 'Column %d' % i dcHeadings[szCol] = str(szY) dcNodes = defaultdict(list) """Plots the obtained decision tree. """ def toString(iSplit, decisionTree, bBranch, szParent="null", indent='', indexParent=0, upliftScores=list()): if decisionTree.results is not None: # leaf node lsY = [] for tr, p in zip(decisionTree.classes_, decisionTree.results): lsY.append(f'{tr}:{p:.2f}') dcY = {"name": ', '.join(lsY), "parent": szParent} dcSummary = decisionTree.summary upliftScores += [dcSummary['matchScore']] dcNodes[iSplit].append(['leaf', dcY['name'], szParent, bBranch, str(-round(float(decisionTree.summary['impurity']), 3)), dcSummary['samples'], dcSummary['group_size'], dcSummary['upliftScore'], dcSummary['matchScore'], indexParent]) else: szCol = 'Column %s' % decisionTree.col if szCol in dcHeadings: szCol = dcHeadings[szCol] if isinstance(decisionTree.value, int) or isinstance(decisionTree.value, float): decision = '%s >= %s' % (szCol, decisionTree.value) else: decision = '%s == %s' % (szCol, decisionTree.value) indexOfLevel = len(dcNodes[iSplit]) toString(iSplit + 1, decisionTree.trueBranch, True, decision, indent + '\t\t', indexOfLevel, upliftScores) toString(iSplit + 1, decisionTree.falseBranch, False, decision, indent + '\t\t', indexOfLevel, upliftScores) dcSummary = decisionTree.summary upliftScores += [dcSummary['matchScore']] dcNodes[iSplit].append([iSplit + 1, decision, szParent, bBranch, str(-round(float(decisionTree.summary['impurity']), 3)), dcSummary['samples'], dcSummary['group_size'], dcSummary['upliftScore'], dcSummary['matchScore'], indexParent]) upliftScores = list() toString(0, decisionTree, None, upliftScores=upliftScores) upliftScoreToColor = dict() try: # calculate colors for nodes based on uplifts minUplift = min(upliftScores) maxUplift = max(upliftScores) upliftLevels = [(uplift-minUplift)/(maxUplift-minUplift) for uplift in upliftScores] # min max scaler baseUplift = float(decisionTree.summary.get('matchScore')) baseUpliftLevel = (baseUplift - minUplift) / (maxUplift - minUplift) # min max scaler normalization white = np.array([255., 255., 255.]) blue = np.array([31., 119., 180.]) green = np.array([0., 128., 0.]) for i, upliftLevel in enumerate(upliftLevels): if upliftLevel >= baseUpliftLevel: # go blue color = upliftLevel * blue + (1 - upliftLevel) * white else: # go green color = (1 - upliftLevel) * green + upliftLevel * white color = [int(c) for c in color] upliftScoreToColor[upliftScores[i]] = ('#%2x%2x%2x' % tuple(color)).replace(' ', '0') # color code except Exception as e: print(e) lsDot = ['digraph Tree {', 'node [shape=box, style="filled, rounded", color="black", fontname=helvetica] ;', 'edge [fontname=helvetica] ;' ] i_node = 0 dcParent = {} totalSample = int(decisionTree.summary.get('samples')) # initialize the value with the total sample size at root for nSplit in range(len(dcNodes.items())): lsY = dcNodes[nSplit] indexOfLevel = 0 for lsX in lsY: iSplit, decision, szParent, bBranch, szImpurity, szSamples, szGroup, \ upliftScore, matchScore, indexParent = lsX sampleProportion = round(int(szSamples)*100./totalSample, 1) if type(iSplit) is int: szSplit = '%d-%d' % (iSplit, indexOfLevel) dcParent[szSplit] = i_node lsDot.append('%d [label=<%s<br/> impurity %s<br/> total_sample %s (%s&#37;)<br/>group_sample %s <br/> ' 'uplift score: %s <br/> uplift p_value %s <br/> ' 'validation uplift score %s>, fillcolor="%s"] ;' % ( i_node, decision.replace('>=', '&ge;').replace('?', ''), szImpurity, szSamples, str(sampleProportion), szGroup, str(upliftScore[0]), str(upliftScore[1]), str(matchScore), upliftScoreToColor.get(matchScore, '#e5813900') )) else: lsDot.append('%d [label=< impurity %s<br/> total_sample %s (%s&#37;)<br/>group_sample %s <br/> ' 'uplift score: %s <br/> uplift p_value %s <br/> validation uplift score %s <br/> ' 'mean %s>, fillcolor="%s"] ;' % ( i_node, szImpurity, szSamples, str(sampleProportion), szGroup, str(upliftScore[0]), str(upliftScore[1]), str(matchScore), decision, upliftScoreToColor.get(matchScore, '#e5813900') )) if szParent != 'null': if bBranch: szAngle = '45' szHeadLabel = 'True' else: szAngle = '-45' szHeadLabel = 'False' szSplit = '%d-%d' % (nSplit, indexParent) p_node = dcParent[szSplit] if nSplit == 1: lsDot.append('%d -> %d [labeldistance=2.5, labelangle=%s, headlabel="%s"] ;' % (p_node, i_node, szAngle, szHeadLabel)) else: lsDot.append('%d -> %d ;' % (p_node, i_node)) i_node += 1 indexOfLevel += 1 lsDot.append('}') dot_data = '\n'.join(lsDot) graph = pydotplus.graph_from_dot_data(dot_data) return graph