Source code for causalml.inference.tree.utils

Utility functions for uplift trees.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

[docs]def cat_group(dfx, kpix, n_group=10): ''' Category Reduction for Categorical Variables Args ---- dfx : dataframe The inputs data dataframe. kpix : string The column of the feature. n_group : int, optional (default = 10) The number of top category values to be remained, other category values will be put into "Other". Returns ------- The transformed categorical feature value list. ''' if dfx[kpix].nunique() > n_group: # get the top categories top = dfx[kpix].isin(dfx[kpix].value_counts().index[:n_group]) dfx.loc[~top, kpix] = "Other" return dfx[kpix].values else: return dfx[kpix].values
[docs]def cat_transform(dfx, kpix, kpi1): ''' Encoding string features. Args ---- dfx : dataframe The inputs data dataframe. kpix : string The column of the feature. kpi1 : list The list of feature names. Returns ------- dfx : DataFrame The updated dataframe containing the encoded data. kpi1 : list The updated feature names containing the new dummy feature names. ''' df_dummy = pd.get_dummies(dfx[kpix].values) new_col_names = ['%s_%s' % (kpix, x) for x in df_dummy.columns] df_dummy.columns = new_col_names dfx = pd.concat([dfx, df_dummy], axis=1) for new_col in new_col_names: if new_col not in kpi1: kpi1.append(new_col) if kpix in kpi1: kpi1.remove(kpix) return dfx, kpi1
[docs]def cv_fold_index(n, i, k, random_seed=2018): ''' Encoding string features. Args ---- dfx : dataframe The inputs data dataframe. kpix : string The column of the feature. kpi1 : list The list of feature names. Returns ------- dfx : DataFrame The updated dataframe containing the encoded data. kpi1 : list The updated feature names containing the new dummy feature names. ''' np.random.seed(random_seed) rlist = np.random.choice(a=range(k), size=n, replace=True) fold_i_index = np.where(rlist == i)[0] return fold_i_index
# Categorize continuous variable
[docs]def cat_continuous(x, granularity='Medium'): ''' Categorize (bin) continuous variable based on percentile. Args ---- x : list Feature values. granularity : string, optional, (default = 'Medium') Control the granularity of the bins, optional values are: 'High', 'Medium', 'Low'. Returns ------- res : list List of percentile bins for the feature value. ''' if granularity == 'High': lspercentile = [np.percentile(x, 5), np.percentile(x, 10), np.percentile(x, 15), np.percentile(x, 20), np.percentile(x, 25), np.percentile(x, 30), np.percentile(x, 35), np.percentile(x, 40), np.percentile(x, 45), np.percentile(x, 50), np.percentile(x, 55), np.percentile(x, 60), np.percentile(x, 65), np.percentile(x, 70), np.percentile(x, 75), np.percentile(x, 80), np.percentile(x, 85), np.percentile(x, 90), np.percentile(x, 95), np.percentile(x, 99) ] res = ['> p90 (%s)' % (lspercentile[8]) if z > lspercentile[8] else '<= p10 (%s)' % (lspercentile[0]) if z <= lspercentile[0] else '<= p20 (%s)' % (lspercentile[1]) if z <= lspercentile[1] else '<= p30 (%s)' % (lspercentile[2]) if z <= lspercentile[2] else '<= p40 (%s)' % (lspercentile[3]) if z <= lspercentile[3] else '<= p50 (%s)' % (lspercentile[4]) if z <= lspercentile[4] else '<= p60 (%s)' % (lspercentile[5]) if z <= lspercentile[5] else '<= p70 (%s)' % (lspercentile[6]) if z <= lspercentile[6] else '<= p80 (%s)' % (lspercentile[7]) if z <= lspercentile[7] else '<= p90 (%s)' % (lspercentile[8]) if z <= lspercentile[8] else '> p90 (%s)' % (lspercentile[8]) for z in x] elif granularity == 'Medium': lspercentile = [np.percentile(x, 10), np.percentile(x, 20), np.percentile(x, 30), np.percentile(x, 40), np.percentile(x, 50), np.percentile(x, 60), np.percentile(x, 70), np.percentile(x, 80), np.percentile(x, 90) ] res = ['<= p10 (%s)' % (lspercentile[0]) if z <= lspercentile[0] else '<= p20 (%s)' % (lspercentile[1]) if z <= lspercentile[1] else '<= p30 (%s)' % (lspercentile[2]) if z <= lspercentile[2] else '<= p40 (%s)' % (lspercentile[3]) if z <= lspercentile[3] else '<= p50 (%s)' % (lspercentile[4]) if z <= lspercentile[4] else '<= p60 (%s)' % (lspercentile[5]) if z <= lspercentile[5] else '<= p70 (%s)' % (lspercentile[6]) if z <= lspercentile[6] else '<= p80 (%s)' % (lspercentile[7]) if z <= lspercentile[7] else '<= p90 (%s)' % (lspercentile[8]) if z <= lspercentile[8] else '> p90 (%s)' % (lspercentile[8]) for z in x] else: lspercentile = [np.percentile(x, 15), np.percentile(x, 50), np.percentile(x, 85)] res = ['1-Very Low' if z < lspercentile[0] else '2-Low' if z < lspercentile[1] else '3-High' if z < lspercentile[2] else '4-Very High' for z in x] return res
[docs]def kpi_transform(dfx, kpi_combo, kpi_combo_new): ''' Feature transformation from continuous feature to binned features for a list of features Args ---- dfx : DataFrame DataFrame containing the features. kpi_combo : list of string List of feature names to be transformed kpi_combo_new : list of string List of new feature names to be assigned to the transformed features. Returns ------- dfx : DataFrame Updated DataFrame containing the new features. ''' for j in range(len(kpi_combo)): if type(dfx[kpi_combo[j]].values[0]) is str: dfx[kpi_combo_new[j]] = dfx[kpi_combo[j]].values dfx[kpi_combo_new[j]] = cat_group(dfx=dfx, kpix=kpi_combo_new[j]) else: if len(kpi_combo) > 1: dfx[kpi_combo_new[j]] = cat_continuous( dfx[kpi_combo[j]].values, granularity='Low' ) else: dfx[kpi_combo_new[j]] = cat_continuous( dfx[kpi_combo[j]].values, granularity='High' ) return dfx