Source code for causalml.metrics.classification

import logging
from sklearn.metrics import log_loss, roc_auc_score

from .const import EPS
from .regression import regression_metrics

logger = logging.getLogger('causalml')

[docs]def logloss(y, p): """Bounded log loss error. Args: y (numpy.array): target p (numpy.array): prediction Returns: bounded log loss error """ p[p < EPS] = EPS p[p > 1 - EPS] = 1 - EPS return log_loss(y, p)
[docs]def classification_metrics(y, p, w=None, metrics={'AUC': roc_auc_score, 'Log Loss': logloss}): """Log metrics for classifiers. Args: y (numpy.array): target p (numpy.array): prediction w (numpy.array, optional): a treatment vector (1 or True: treatment, 0 or False: control). If given, log metrics for the treatment and control group separately metrics (dict, optional): a dictionary of the metric names and functions """ regression_metrics(y=y, p=p, w=w, metrics=metrics)