Source code for causalml.metrics.regression

import logging
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error as mse
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error as mae # noqa
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score    # noqa

from .const import EPS

logger = logging.getLogger('causalml')

[docs]def ape(y, p): """Absolute Percentage Error (APE). Args: y (float): target p (float): prediction Returns: e (float): APE """ assert np.abs(y) > EPS return np.abs(1 - p / y)
[docs]def mape(y, p): """Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). Args: y (numpy.array): target p (numpy.array): prediction Returns: e (numpy.float64): MAPE """ filt = np.abs(y) > EPS return np.mean(np.abs(1 - p[filt] / y[filt]))
[docs]def smape(y, p): """Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error (sMAPE). Args: y (numpy.array): target p (numpy.array): prediction Returns: e (numpy.float64): sMAPE """ return 2. * np.mean(np.abs(y - p) / (np.abs(y) + np.abs(p)))
[docs]def rmse(y, p): """Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE). Args: y (numpy.array): target p (numpy.array): prediction Returns: e (numpy.float64): RMSE """ # check and get number of samples assert y.shape == p.shape return np.sqrt(mse(y, p))
[docs]def gini(y, p): """Normalized Gini Coefficient. Args: y (numpy.array): target p (numpy.array): prediction Returns: e (numpy.float64): normalized Gini coefficient """ # check and get number of samples assert y.shape == p.shape n_samples = y.shape[0] # sort rows on prediction column # (from largest to smallest) arr = np.array([y, p]).transpose() true_order = arr[arr[:, 0].argsort()][::-1, 0] pred_order = arr[arr[:, 1].argsort()][::-1, 0] # get Lorenz curves l_true = np.cumsum(true_order) / np.sum(true_order) l_pred = np.cumsum(pred_order) / np.sum(pred_order) l_ones = np.linspace(1/n_samples, 1, n_samples) # get Gini coefficients (area between curves) g_true = np.sum(l_ones - l_true) g_pred = np.sum(l_ones - l_pred) # normalize to true Gini coefficient return g_pred / g_true
[docs]def regression_metrics(y, p, w=None, metrics={'RMSE': rmse, 'sMAPE': smape, 'Gini': gini}): """Log metrics for regressors. Args: y (numpy.array): target p (numpy.array): prediction w (numpy.array, optional): a treatment vector (1 or True: treatment, 0 or False: control). If given, log metrics for the treatment and control group separately metrics (dict, optional): a dictionary of the metric names and functions """ assert metrics assert y.shape[0] == p.shape[0] for name, func in metrics.items(): if w is not None: assert y.shape[0] == w.shape[0] if w.dtype != bool: w = w == 1'{:>8s} (Control): {:10.4f}'.format(name, func(y[~w], p[~w])))'{:>8s} (Treatment): {:10.4f}'.format(name, func(y[w], p[w]))) else:'{:>8s}: {:10.4f}'.format(name, func(y, p)))