Source code for causalml.optimize.utils

import numpy as np

[docs]def get_treatment_costs(treatment, control_name, cc_dict, ic_dict): ''' Set the conversion and impression costs based on a dict of parameters. Calculate the actual cost of targeting a user with the actual treatment group using the above parameters. Params ------ treatment : array, shape = (num_samples, ) Treatment array. control_name, str Control group name as string. cc_dict : dict Dict containing the conversion cost for each treatment. ic_dict Dict containing the impression cost for each treatment. Returns ------- conversion_cost : ndarray, shape = (num_samples, num_treatments) An array of conversion costs for each treatment. impression_cost : ndarray, shape = (num_samples, num_treatments) An array of impression costs for each treatment. conditions : list, len = len(set(treatment)) A list of experimental conditions. ''' # Set the conversion costs of the treatments conversion_cost = np.zeros((len(treatment), len(cc_dict.keys()))) for idx, dict_key in enumerate(cc_dict.keys()): conversion_cost[:, idx] = cc_dict.get(dict_key) # Set the impression costs of the treatments impression_cost = np.zeros((len(treatment), len(ic_dict.keys()))) for idx, dict_key in enumerate(ic_dict.keys()): impression_cost[:, idx] = ic_dict.get(dict_key) # Get a sorted list of conditions conditions = list(set(treatment)) conditions.remove(control_name) conditions_sorted = sorted(conditions) conditions_sorted.insert(0, control_name) return conversion_cost, impression_cost, conditions_sorted
[docs]def get_actual_value(treatment, observed_outcome, conversion_value, conditions, conversion_cost, impression_cost): ''' Set the conversion and impression costs based on a dict of parameters. Calculate the actual value of targeting a user with the actual treatment group using the above parameters. Params ------ treatment : array, shape = (num_samples, ) Treatment array. observed_outcome : array, shape = (num_samples, ) Observed outcome array, aka y. conversion_value : array, shape = (num_samples, ) The value of converting a given user. conditions : list, len = len(set(treatment)) List of treatment conditions. conversion_cost : array, shape = (num_samples, num_treatment) Array of conversion costs for each unit in each treatment. impression_cost : array, shape = (num_samples, num_treatment) Array of impression costs for each unit in each treatment. Returns ------- actual_value : array, shape = (num_samples, ) Array of actual values of havng a user in their actual treatment group. conversion_value : array, shape = (num_samples, ) Array of payoffs from converting a user. ''' cost_filter = [actual_group == possible_group for actual_group in treatment for possible_group in conditions] conversion_cost_flat = conversion_cost.flatten() actual_cc = conversion_cost_flat[cost_filter] impression_cost_flat = impression_cost.flatten() actual_ic = impression_cost_flat[cost_filter] # Calculate the actual value of having a user in their actual treatment actual_value = (conversion_value - actual_cc) * \ observed_outcome - actual_ic return actual_value
[docs]def get_uplift_best(cate, conditions): ''' Takes the CATE prediction from a learner, adds the control outcome array and finds the name of the argmax conditon. Params ------ cate : array, shape = (num_samples, ) The conditional average treatment effect prediction. conditions : list, len = len(set(treatment)) Returns ------- uplift_recomm_name : array, shape = (num_samples, ) The experimental group recommended by the learner. ''' cate_with_control = np.c_[np.zeros(cate.shape[0]), cate] uplift_best_idx = np.argmax(cate_with_control, axis=1) uplift_best_name = [conditions[idx] for idx in uplift_best_idx] return uplift_best_name