Source code for causalml.optimize.value_optimization

import numpy as np

[docs]class CounterfactualValueEstimator: ''' Args ---- treatment : array, shape = (num_samples, ) An array of treatment group indicator values. control_name : string The name of the control condition as a string. Must be contained in the treatment array. treatment_names : list, length = cate.shape[1] A list of treatment group names. NB: The order of the items in the list must correspond to the order in which the conditional average treatment effect estimates are in cate_array. y_proba : array, shape = (num_samples, ) The predicted probability of conversion using the Y ~ X model across the total sample. cate : array, shape = (num_samples, len(set(treatment))) Conditional average treatment effect estimations from any model. value : array, shape = (num_samples, ) Value of converting each unit. conversion_cost : shape = (num_samples, len(set(treatment))) The cost of a treatment that is triggered if a unit converts after having been in the treatment, such as a promotion code. impression_cost : shape = (num_samples, len(set(treatment))) The cost of a treatment that is the same for each unit whether or not they convert, such as a cost associated with a promotion channel. Notes ----- Because we get the conditional average treatment effects from cate-learners relative to the control condition, we subtract the cate for the unit in their actual treatment group from y_proba for that unit, in order to recover the control outcome. We then add the cates to the control outcome to obtain y_proba under each condition. These outcomes are counterfactual because just one of them is actually observed. ''' def __init__(self, treatment, control_name, treatment_names, y_proba, cate, value, conversion_cost, impression_cost, *args, **kwargs): self.treatment = treatment self.control_name = control_name self.treatment_names = treatment_names self.y_proba = y_proba self.cate = cate self.value = value self.conversion_cost = conversion_cost self.impression_cost = impression_cost
[docs] def predict_best(self): ''' Predict the best treatment group based on the highest counterfactual value for a treatment. ''' self._get_counterfactuals() self._get_counterfactual_values() return self.best_treatment
[docs] def predict_counterfactuals(self): ''' Predict the counterfactual values for each treatment group. ''' self._get_counterfactuals() self._get_counterfactual_values() return self.expected_values
def _get_counterfactuals(self): ''' Get an array of counterfactual outcomes based on control outcome and the array of conditional average treatment effects. ''' conditions = self.treatment_names.copy() conditions.insert(0, self.control_name) cates_with_control = np.c_[np.zeros(self.cate.shape[0]), self.cate] cates_flat = cates_with_control.flatten() cates_filt = [actual_group == poss_group for actual_group in self.treatment for poss_group in conditions] control_outcome = self.y_proba - cates_flat[cates_filt] self.counterfactuals = cates_with_control + control_outcome[:, None] def _get_counterfactual_values(self): ''' Calculate the expected value of assigning a unit to each of the treatment conditions given the value of conversion and the conversion and impression costs associated with the treatment. ''' self.expected_values = ((self.value[:, None] - self.conversion_cost) * self.counterfactuals - self.impression_cost) self.best_treatment = np.argmax(self.expected_values, axis=1)