Source code for causalml.feature_selection.filters

Filter feature selection methods for uplift modeling

- Currently only for classification problem: the outcome variable of uplift model is binary.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm
from scipy import stats
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer

[docs]class FilterSelect: """A class for feature importance methods.""" def __init__(self): return @staticmethod def _filter_F_one_feature(data, treatment_indicator, feature_name, y_name, order=1): """ Conduct F-test of the interaction between treatment and one feature. Args: data (pd.Dataframe): DataFrame containing outcome, features, and experiment group treatment_indicator (string): the column name for binary indicator of treatment (1) or control (0) feature_name (string): feature name, as one column in the data DataFrame y_name (string): name of the outcome variable order (int): the order of feature to be evaluated with the treatment effect, order takes 3 values: 1,2,3. order = 1 corresponds to linear importance of the feature, order=2 corresponds to quadratic and linear importance of the feature, order= 3 will calculate feature importance up to cubic forms. Returns: F_test_result : pd.DataFrame a data frame containing the feature importance statistics """ Y = data[y_name] X = data[[treatment_indicator, feature_name]] X = sm.add_constant(X) X["{}-{}".format(treatment_indicator, feature_name)] = X[ [treatment_indicator, feature_name] ].product(axis=1) if order not in [1, 2, 3]: raise Exception("ValueError: order argument only takes value 1,2,3.") if order == 1: pass elif order == 2: x_tmp_name = "{}_o{}".format(feature_name, order) X[x_tmp_name] = X[[feature_name]] ** order X["{}-{}".format(treatment_indicator, x_tmp_name)] = X[ [treatment_indicator, x_tmp_name] ].product(axis=1) elif order == 3: x_tmp_name = "{}_o{}".format(feature_name, 2) X[x_tmp_name] = X[[feature_name]] ** 2 X["{}-{}".format(treatment_indicator, x_tmp_name)] = X[ [treatment_indicator, x_tmp_name] ].product(axis=1) x_tmp_name = "{}_o{}".format(feature_name, order) X[x_tmp_name] = X[[feature_name]] ** order X["{}-{}".format(treatment_indicator, x_tmp_name)] = X[ [treatment_indicator, x_tmp_name] ].product(axis=1) model = sm.OLS(Y, X) result = if order == 1: F_test = result.f_test(np.array([0, 0, 0, 1])) elif order == 2: F_test = result.f_test(np.array([[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]])) elif order == 3: F_test = result.f_test( np.array( [ [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], ] ) ) F_test_result = pd.DataFrame( { "feature": feature_name, # for the interaction, not the main effect "method": "F{} Filter".format(order), "score": float(F_test.fvalue), "p_value": F_test.pvalue, "misc": "df_num: {}, df_denom: {}, order:{}".format( F_test.df_num, F_test.df_denom, order ), }, index=[0], ).reset_index(drop=True) return F_test_result
[docs] def filter_F(self, data, treatment_indicator, features, y_name, order=1): """ Rank features based on the F-statistics of the interaction. Args: data (pd.Dataframe): DataFrame containing outcome, features, and experiment group treatment_indicator (string): the column name for binary indicator of treatment (1) or control (0) features (list of string): list of feature names, that are columns in the data DataFrame y_name (string): name of the outcome variable order (int): the order of feature to be evaluated with the treatment effect, order takes 3 values: 1,2,3. order = 1 corresponds to linear importance of the feature, order=2 corresponds to quadratic and linear importance of the feature, order= 3 will calculate feature importance up to cubic forms. Returns: all_result : pd.DataFrame a data frame containing the feature importance statistics """ if order not in [1, 2, 3]: raise Exception("ValueError: order argument only takes value 1,2,3.") all_result = pd.DataFrame() for x_name_i in features: one_result = self._filter_F_one_feature( data=data, treatment_indicator=treatment_indicator, feature_name=x_name_i, y_name=y_name, order=order, ) all_result = pd.concat([all_result, one_result]) all_result = all_result.sort_values(by="score", ascending=False) all_result["rank"] = all_result["score"].rank(ascending=False) return all_result
@staticmethod def _filter_LR_one_feature( data, treatment_indicator, feature_name, y_name, order=1, disp=True ): """ Conduct LR (Likelihood Ratio) test of the interaction between treatment and one feature. Args: data (pd.Dataframe): DataFrame containing outcome, features, and experiment group treatment_indicator (string): the column name for binary indicator of treatment (1) or control (0) feature_name (string): feature name, as one column in the data DataFrame y_name (string): name of the outcome variable order (int): the order of feature to be evaluated with the treatment effect, order takes 3 values: 1,2,3. order = 1 corresponds to linear importance of the feature, order=2 corresponds to quadratic and linear importance of the feature, order= 3 will calculate feature importance up to cubic forms. Returns: LR_test_result : pd.DataFrame a data frame containing the feature importance statistics """ Y = data[y_name] # Restricted model x_name_r = ["const", treatment_indicator, feature_name] x_name_f = x_name_r.copy() X = data[[treatment_indicator, feature_name]] X = sm.add_constant(X) X["{}-{}".format(treatment_indicator, feature_name)] = X[ [treatment_indicator, feature_name] ].product(axis=1) x_name_f.append("{}-{}".format(treatment_indicator, feature_name)) if order == 2: x_tmp_name = "{}_o{}".format(feature_name, order) X[x_tmp_name] = X[[feature_name]] ** order X["{}-{}".format(treatment_indicator, x_tmp_name)] = X[ [treatment_indicator, x_tmp_name] ].product(axis=1) x_name_r.append(x_tmp_name) x_name_f += [x_tmp_name, "{}-{}".format(treatment_indicator, x_tmp_name)] elif order == 3: x_tmp_name = "{}_o{}".format(feature_name, 2) X[x_tmp_name] = X[[feature_name]] ** 2 X["{}-{}".format(treatment_indicator, x_tmp_name)] = X[ [treatment_indicator, x_tmp_name] ].product(axis=1) x_name_r.append(x_tmp_name) x_name_f += [x_tmp_name, "{}-{}".format(treatment_indicator, x_tmp_name)] x_tmp_name = "{}_o{}".format(feature_name, order) X[x_tmp_name] = X[[feature_name]] ** order X["{}-{}".format(treatment_indicator, x_tmp_name)] = X[ [treatment_indicator, x_tmp_name] ].product(axis=1) x_name_r.append(x_tmp_name) x_name_f += [x_tmp_name, "{}-{}".format(treatment_indicator, x_tmp_name)] # Full model (with interaction) model_r = sm.Logit(Y, X[x_name_r]) result_r = model_f = sm.Logit(Y, X[x_name_f]) result_f = LR_stat = -2 * (result_r.llf - result_f.llf) LR_df = len(result_f.params) - len(result_r.params) LR_pvalue = 1 - stats.chi2.cdf(LR_stat, df=LR_df) LR_test_result = pd.DataFrame( { "feature": feature_name, # for the interaction, not the main effect "method": "LR{} Filter".format(order), "score": LR_stat, "p_value": LR_pvalue, "misc": "df: {}, order: {}".format(LR_df, order), }, index=[0], ).reset_index(drop=True) return LR_test_result
[docs] def filter_LR( self, data, treatment_indicator, features, y_name, order=1, disp=True ): """ Rank features based on the LRT-statistics of the interaction. Args: data (pd.Dataframe): DataFrame containing outcome, features, and experiment group treatment_indicator (string): the column name for binary indicator of treatment (1) or control (0) feature_name (string): feature name, as one column in the data DataFrame y_name (string): name of the outcome variable order (int): the order of feature to be evaluated with the treatment effect, order takes 3 values: 1,2,3. order = 1 corresponds to linear importance of the feature, order=2 corresponds to quadratic and linear importance of the feature, order= 3 will calculate feature importance up to cubic forms. Returns: all_result : pd.DataFrame a data frame containing the feature importance statistics """ if order not in [1, 2, 3]: raise Exception("ValueError: order argument only takes value 1,2,3.") all_result = pd.DataFrame() for x_name_i in features: one_result = self._filter_LR_one_feature( data=data, treatment_indicator=treatment_indicator, feature_name=x_name_i, y_name=y_name, order=order, disp=disp, ) all_result = pd.concat([all_result, one_result]) all_result = all_result.sort_values(by="score", ascending=False) all_result["rank"] = all_result["score"].rank(ascending=False) return all_result
# Get node summary - a function @staticmethod def _GetNodeSummary( data, experiment_group_column="treatment_group_key", y_name="conversion", smooth=True, ): """ To count the conversions and get the probabilities by treatment groups. This function comes from the uplift tree algorithm, that is used for tree node split evaluation. Parameters ---------- data : DataFrame The DataFrame that contains all the data (in the current "node"). experiment_group_column : str Treatment indicator column name. y_name : str Label indicator column name. smooth : bool Smooth label count by adding 1 in case certain labels do not occur naturally with a treatment. Prevents zero divisions. Returns ------- results : dict Counts of conversions by treatment groups, of the form: {'control': {0: 10, 1: 8}, 'treatment1': {0: 5, 1: 15}} nodeSummary: dict Probability of conversion and group size by treatment groups, of the form: {'control': [0.490, 500], 'treatment1': [0.584, 500]} """ # Note: results and nodeSummary are both dict with treatment_group_key # as the key. So we can compute the treatment effect and/or # divergence easily. # Counts of conversions by treatment group results_series = data.groupby([experiment_group_column, y_name]).size() treatment_group_keys = results_series.index.levels[0].tolist() y_name_keys = results_series.index.levels[1].tolist() results = {} for ti in treatment_group_keys: results.update({ti: {}}) for ci in y_name_keys: if smooth: results[ti].update( { ci: ( results_series[ti, ci] if results_series.index.isin([(ti, ci)]).any() else 1 ) } ) else: results[ti].update({ci: results_series[ti, ci]}) # Probability of conversion and group size by treatment group nodeSummary = {} for treatment_group_key in results: n_1 = results[treatment_group_key].get(1, 0) n_total = results[treatment_group_key].get(1, 0) + results[ treatment_group_key ].get(0, 0) y_mean = 1.0 * n_1 / n_total nodeSummary[treatment_group_key] = [y_mean, n_total] return results, nodeSummary # Divergence-related functions, from upliftpy @staticmethod def _kl_divergence(pk, qk): """ Calculate KL Divergence for binary classification. Args: pk (float): Probability of class 1 in treatment group qk (float): Probability of class 1 in control group """ if qk < 0.1**6: qk = 0.1**6 elif qk > 1 - 0.1**6: qk = 1 - 0.1**6 S = pk * np.log(pk / qk) + (1 - pk) * np.log((1 - pk) / (1 - qk)) return S def _evaluate_KL(self, nodeSummary, control_group="control"): """ Calculate the multi-treatment unconditional D (one node) with KL Divergence as split Evaluation function. Args: nodeSummary (dict): a dictionary containing the statistics for a tree node sample control_group (string, optional, default='control'): the name for control group Notes ----- The function works for more than one non-control treatment groups. """ if control_group not in nodeSummary: return 0 pc = nodeSummary[control_group][0] d_res = 0 for treatment_group in nodeSummary: if treatment_group != control_group: d_res += self._kl_divergence(nodeSummary[treatment_group][0], pc) return d_res @staticmethod def _evaluate_ED(nodeSummary, control_group="control"): """ Calculate the multi-treatment unconditional D (one node) with Euclidean Distance as split Evaluation function. Args: nodeSummary (dict): a dictionary containing the statistics for a tree node sample control_group (string, optional, default='control'): the name for control group """ if control_group not in nodeSummary: return 0 pc = nodeSummary[control_group][0] d_res = 0 for treatment_group in nodeSummary: if treatment_group != control_group: d_res += 2 * (nodeSummary[treatment_group][0] - pc) ** 2 return d_res @staticmethod def _evaluate_Chi(nodeSummary, control_group="control"): """ Calculate the multi-treatment unconditional D (one node) with Chi-Square as split Evaluation function. Args: nodeSummary (dict): a dictionary containing the statistics for a tree node sample control_group (string, optional, default='control'): the name for control group """ if control_group not in nodeSummary: return 0 pc = nodeSummary[control_group][0] d_res = 0 for treatment_group in nodeSummary: if treatment_group != control_group: d_res += (nodeSummary[treatment_group][0] - pc) ** 2 / max( 0.1**6, pc ) + (nodeSummary[treatment_group][0] - pc) ** 2 / max(0.1**6, 1 - pc) return d_res def _filter_D_one_feature( self, data, feature_name, y_name, n_bins=10, method="KL", control_group="control", experiment_group_column="treatment_group_key", null_impute=None, ): """ Calculate the chosen divergence measure for one feature. Args: data (pd.Dataframe): DataFrame containing outcome, features, and experiment group treatment_indicator (string): the column name for binary indicator of treatment (1) or control (0) feature_name (string): feature name, as one column in the data DataFrame y_name (string): name of the outcome variable method (string, optional, default = 'KL'): taking one of the following values {'F', 'LR', 'KL', 'ED', 'Chi'} The feature selection method to be used to rank the features. 'F' for F-test 'LR' for likelihood ratio test 'KL', 'ED', 'Chi' for bin-based uplift filter methods, KL divergence, Euclidean distance, Chi-Square respectively experiment_group_column (string, optional, default = 'treatment_group_key'): the experiment column name in the DataFrame, which contains the treatment and control assignment label control_group (string, optional, default = 'control'): name for control group, value in the experiment group column n_bins (int, optional, default = 10): number of bins to be used for bin-based uplift filter methods null_impute (str, optional, default=None): impute np.nan present in the data taking on of the following strategy values {'mean', 'median', 'most_frequent', None}. If Value is None and null is present then exception will be raised Returns: D_result : pd.DataFrame a data frame containing the feature importance statistics """ # [TODO] Application to categorical features if method == "KL": evaluationFunction = self._evaluate_KL elif method == "ED": evaluationFunction = self._evaluate_ED elif method == "Chi": evaluationFunction = self._evaluate_Chi totalSize = len(data.index) # impute null if enabled if null_impute is not None: data[feature_name] = SimpleImputer( missing_values=np.nan, strategy=null_impute ).fit_transform(data[feature_name].values.reshape(-1, 1)) elif data[feature_name].isna().any(): raise Exception( "Null value(s) present in column '{}'. Please impute the null value or use null_impute parameter " "provided.".format(feature_name) ) # drop duplicate edges in pq.cut result to avoid issues x_bin = pd.qcut( data[feature_name].values, n_bins, labels=False, duplicates="drop" ) d_children = 0 for i_bin in range(np.nanmax(x_bin).astype(int) + 1): # range(n_bins): nodeSummary = self._GetNodeSummary( data=data.loc[x_bin == i_bin], experiment_group_column=experiment_group_column, y_name=y_name, )[1] nodeScore = evaluationFunction(nodeSummary, control_group=control_group) nodeSize = sum([x[1] for x in list(nodeSummary.values())]) d_children += nodeScore * nodeSize / totalSize parentNodeSummary = self._GetNodeSummary( data=data, experiment_group_column=experiment_group_column, y_name=y_name )[1] d_parent = evaluationFunction(parentNodeSummary, control_group=control_group) d_res = d_children - d_parent D_result = pd.DataFrame( { "feature": feature_name, "method": method, "score": d_res, "p_value": None, "misc": "number_of_bins: {}".format( min(n_bins, np.nanmax(x_bin).astype(int) + 1) ), # format(n_bins), }, index=[0], ).reset_index(drop=True) return D_result
[docs] def filter_D( self, data, features, y_name, n_bins=10, method="KL", control_group="control", experiment_group_column="treatment_group_key", null_impute=None, ): """ Rank features based on the chosen divergence measure. Args: data (pd.Dataframe): DataFrame containing outcome, features, and experiment group treatment_indicator (string): the column name for binary indicator of treatment (1) or control (0) features (list of string): list of feature names, that are columns in the data DataFrame y_name (string): name of the outcome variable method (string, optional, default = 'KL'): taking one of the following values {'F', 'LR', 'KL', 'ED', 'Chi'} The feature selection method to be used to rank the features. 'F' for F-test 'LR' for likelihood ratio test 'KL', 'ED', 'Chi' for bin-based uplift filter methods, KL divergence, Euclidean distance, Chi-Square respectively experiment_group_column (string, optional, default = 'treatment_group_key'): the experiment column name in the DataFrame, which contains the treatment and control assignment label control_group (string, optional, default = 'control'): name for control group, value in the experiment group column n_bins (int, optional, default = 10): number of bins to be used for bin-based uplift filter methods null_impute (str, optional, default=None): impute np.nan present in the data taking on of the followin strategy values {'mean', 'median', 'most_frequent', None}. If Value is None and null is present then exception will be raised Returns: all_result : pd.DataFrame a data frame containing the feature importance statistics """ all_result = pd.DataFrame() for x_name_i in features: one_result = self._filter_D_one_feature( data=data, feature_name=x_name_i, y_name=y_name, n_bins=n_bins, method=method, control_group=control_group, experiment_group_column=experiment_group_column, null_impute=null_impute, ) all_result = pd.concat([all_result, one_result]) all_result = all_result.sort_values(by="score", ascending=False) all_result["rank"] = all_result["score"].rank(ascending=False) return all_result
[docs] def get_importance( self, data, features, y_name, method, experiment_group_column="treatment_group_key", control_group="control", treatment_group="treatment", n_bins=5, null_impute=None, order=1, disp=False, ): """ Rank features based on the chosen statistic of the interaction. Args: data (pd.Dataframe): DataFrame containing outcome, features, and experiment group features (list of string): list of feature names, that are columns in the data DataFrame y_name (string): name of the outcome variable method (string, optional, default = 'KL'): taking one of the following values {'F', 'LR', 'KL', 'ED', 'Chi'} The feature selection method to be used to rank the features. 'F' for F-test 'LR' for likelihood ratio test 'KL', 'ED', 'Chi' for bin-based uplift filter methods, KL divergence, Euclidean distance, Chi-Square respectively experiment_group_column (string): the experiment column name in the DataFrame, which contains the treatment and control assignment label control_group (string): name for control group, value in the experiment group column treatment_group (string): name for treatment group, value in the experiment group column n_bins (int, optional): number of bins to be used for bin-based uplift filter methods null_impute (str, optional, default=None): impute np.nan present in the data taking on of the following strategy values {'mean', 'median', 'most_frequent', None}. If value is None and null is present then exception will be raised order (int): the order of feature to be evaluated with the treatment effect for F filter and LR filter, order takes 3 values: 1,2,3. order = 1 corresponds to linear importance of the feature, order=2 corresponds to quadratic and linear importance of the feature, order= 3 will calculate feature importance up to cubic forms. disp (bool): Set to True to print convergence messages for Logistic regression convergence in LR method. Returns: all_result : pd.DataFrame a data frame with following columns: ['method', 'feature', 'rank', 'score', 'p_value', 'misc'] """ if method == "F": data = data[ data[experiment_group_column].isin([control_group, treatment_group]) ] data["treatment_indicator"] = 0 data.loc[ data[experiment_group_column] == treatment_group, "treatment_indicator" ] = 1 all_result = self.filter_F( data=data, treatment_indicator="treatment_indicator", features=features, y_name=y_name, order=order, ) elif method == "LR": data = data[ data[experiment_group_column].isin([control_group, treatment_group]) ] data["treatment_indicator"] = 0 data.loc[ data[experiment_group_column] == treatment_group, "treatment_indicator" ] = 1 all_result = self.filter_LR( data=data, disp=disp, treatment_indicator="treatment_indicator", features=features, y_name=y_name, order=order, ) else: all_result = self.filter_D( data=data, method=method, features=features, y_name=y_name, n_bins=n_bins, control_group=control_group, experiment_group_column=experiment_group_column, null_impute=null_impute, ) all_result["method"] = method + " filter" return all_result[["method", "feature", "rank", "score", "p_value", "misc"]]