Source code for causalml.optimize.pns

[docs]def get_pns_bounds(data_exp, data_obs, T, Y, type="PNS"): """ Args ---- data_exp : DataFrame Data from an experiment. data_obs : DataFrame Data from an observational study T : str Name of the binary treatment indicator y : str Name of the binary outcome indicator type : str Type of probability of causation desired. Acceptable args are: - ``PNS``: Probability of necessary and sufficient causation - ``PS``: Probability of sufficient causation - ``PN``: Probability of necessary causation Notes ----- Based on Equation (24) in `Tian and Pearl (2000) <>`_. To capture the counterfactual notation, we use ``1`` and ``0`` to indicate the actual and counterfactual values of a variable, respectively, and we use ``do`` to indicate the effect of an intervention. The experimental and observational data are either assumed to come to the same population, or from random samples of the population. If the data are from a sample, the bounds may be incorrectly calculated because the relevant quantities in the Tian-Pearl equations are defined e.g. as :math:`P(Y|do(T))`, not :math:`P(Y|do(T), S)` where :math:`S` corresponds to sample selection. `Bareinboim and Pearl (2016) <>`_ discuss conditions under which :math:`P(Y|do(T))` can be recovered from :math:`P(Y|do(T), S)`. """ # Probabilities calculated from observational data Y1 = data_obs[Y].mean() T1Y0 = ( data_obs.loc[(data_obs[T] == 1) & (data_obs[Y] == 0)].shape[0] / data_obs.shape[0] ) T1Y1 = ( data_obs.loc[(data_obs[T] == 1) & (data_obs[Y] == 1)].shape[0] / data_obs.shape[0] ) T0Y0 = ( data_obs.loc[(data_obs[T] == 0) & (data_obs[Y] == 0)].shape[0] / data_obs.shape[0] ) T0Y1 = ( data_obs.loc[(data_obs[T] == 0) & (data_obs[Y] == 1)].shape[0] / data_obs.shape[0] ) # Probabilities calculated from experimental data Y1doT1 = data_exp.loc[data_exp[T] == 1, Y].mean() Y1doT0 = data_exp.loc[data_exp[T] == 0, Y].mean() Y0doT0 = 1 - Y1doT0 if type == "PNS": lb_args = [0, Y1doT1 - Y1doT0, Y1 - Y1doT0, Y1doT1 - Y1] ub_args = [Y1doT1, Y0doT0, T1Y1 + T0Y0, Y1doT1 - Y1doT0 + T1Y0 + T0Y1] if type == "PN": lb_args = [0, (Y1 - Y1doT0) / T1Y1] ub_args = [1, (Y0doT0 - T0Y0) / T1Y1] if type == "PS": lb_args = [0, (Y1doT1 - Y1) / T0Y0] ub_args = [1, (Y1doT1 - T1Y1) / T0Y0] lower_bound = max(lb_args) upper_bound = min(ub_args) return lower_bound, upper_bound