Uplift Curves with TMLE Example

This notebook demonstrates the issue of using uplift curves without knowing true treatment effect and how to solve it by using TMLE as a proxy of the true treatment effect.

%reload_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline
import os
base_path = os.path.abspath("../")
import logging
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, KFold
import sys
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", UserWarning)

from lightgbm import LGBMRegressor
import causalml

from causalml.dataset import synthetic_data
from causalml.inference.meta import BaseXRegressor, TMLELearner
from causalml.metrics.visualize import *
from causalml.propensity import calibrate

import importlib
print(importlib.metadata.version('causalml') )
logger = logging.getLogger('causalml')

Generating Synthetic Data

# Generate synthetic data using mode 1
y, X, treatment, tau, b, e = synthetic_data(mode=1, n=1000000, p=10, sigma=5.)
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, e_train, e_test, treatment_train, treatment_test, tau_train, tau_test, b_train, b_test = train_test_split(X, y, e, treatment, tau, b, test_size=0.5, random_state=42)

Calculating Individual Treatment Effect (ITE/CATE)

# X Learner
learner_x = BaseXRegressor(learner=LGBMRegressor())
learner_x.fit(X=X_train, treatment=treatment_train, y=y_train)
cate_x_test = learner_x.predict(X=X_test, p=e_test, treatment=treatment_test).flatten()
plt.hist(cate_x_test, alpha=alpha, bins=bins, label='X Learner')
plt.hist(tau_test, alpha=alpha, bins=bins, label='Actual')

plt.title('Distribution of CATE Predictions by X-Learner and Actual')
plt.xlabel('Individual Treatment Effect (ITE/CATE)')
plt.ylabel('# of Samples')

Validating CATE without TMLE

df = pd.DataFrame({'y': y_test, 'w': treatment_test, 'tau': tau_test, 'X-Learner': cate_x_test, 'Actual': tau_test})

Uplift Curve With Ground Truth

If true treatment effect is known as in simulations, the uplift curve of a model uses the cumulative sum of the treatment effect sorted by model’s CATE estimate.

In the figure below, the uplift curve of X-learner shows positive lift close to the optimal lift by the ground truth.

plot(df, outcome_col='y', treatment_col='w', treatment_effect_col='tau')

Uplift Curve Without Ground Truth

If true treatment effect is unknown as in practice, the uplift curve of a model uses the cumulative mean difference of outcome in the treatment and control group sorted by model’s CATE estimate.

In the figure below, the uplift curves of X-learner as well as the ground truth show no lift incorrectly.

plot(df.drop('tau', axis=1), outcome_col='y', treatment_col='w')


Uplift Curve with TMLE as Ground Truth

By using TMLE as a proxy of the ground truth, the uplift curves of X-learner and the ground truth become close to the original using the ground truth.
n_fold = 5
kf = KFold(n_splits=n_fold)
df = pd.DataFrame({'y': y_test, 'w': treatment_test, 'p': e_test, 'X-Learner': cate_x_test, 'Actual': tau_test})
inference_cols = []
for i in range(X_test.shape[1]):
    col = 'col_' + str(i)
    df[col] = X_test[:,i]
y w p X-Learner Actual col_0 col_1 col_2 col_3 col_4 col_5 col_6 col_7 col_8 col_9
0 6.808806 1 0.750090 0.909261 0.856218 0.911884 0.800551 0.637318 0.584033 0.041204 0.541312 0.183795 0.604942 0.802967 0.321925
1 5.074509 1 0.828351 0.696708 0.613880 0.871032 0.356727 0.168573 0.291071 0.953692 0.838566 0.497353 0.777390 0.811558 0.076717
2 -8.293643 0 0.230920 0.456776 0.335491 0.531401 0.139581 0.604482 0.051055 0.651872 0.878593 0.592694 0.695946 0.972597 0.178291
3 4.511347 0 0.306119 0.189546 0.388202 0.615514 0.160891 0.825520 0.544876 0.107617 0.746920 0.002706 0.963717 0.603323 0.506294
4 5.418169 0 0.293402 0.299151 0.476290 0.839696 0.112883 0.964546 0.336093 0.548355 0.649487 0.905765 0.249261 0.070978 0.947820
tmle_df = get_tmlegain(df, inference_col=inference_cols, outcome_col='y', treatment_col='w', p_col='p',
                       n_segment=5, cv=kf, calibrate_propensity=True, ci=False)
X-Learner Actual Random
0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0.2 0.137463 0.150106 0.095493
0.4 0.254839 0.267014 0.190986
0.6 0.346940 0.359990 0.286479
0.8 0.434913 0.447867 0.381972
1.0 0.477465 0.477465 0.477465

Uplift Curve wihtout CI

Here we can directly use plot_tmle() function to generate the results and plot uplift curve
plot_tmlegain(df, inference_col=inference_cols, outcome_col='y', treatment_col='w', p_col='p',
              n_segment=5, cv=kf, calibrate_propensity=True, ci=False)
We also provide the api call directly with plot() by input the kind as 'tmle'
plot(df, kind='gain', tmle=True, inference_col=inference_cols, outcome_col='y', treatment_col='w', p_col='p',
     n_segment=5, cv=kf, calibrate_propensity=True, ci=False)

AUUC Score

auuc_score(df, tmle=True, inference_col=inference_cols, outcome_col='y', treatment_col='w', p_col='p',
           n_segment=5, cv=kf, calibrate_propensity=True, ci=False)
X-Learner    0.275270
Actual       0.283740
Random       0.238733
dtype: float64

Uplift Curve with CI

tmle_df = get_tmlegain(df, inference_col=inference_cols, outcome_col='y', treatment_col='w', p_col='p',
                       n_segment=5, cv=kf, calibrate_propensity=True, ci=True)
X-Learner Actual X-Learner LB Actual LB X-Learner UB Actual UB Random
0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0.2 0.145151 0.146628 0.127016 0.127210 0.163285 0.166046 0.096077
0.4 0.252563 0.255667 0.216629 0.218323 0.288496 0.293011 0.192154
0.6 0.352174 0.364541 0.300866 0.313233 0.403483 0.415850 0.288231
0.8 0.433351 0.446890 0.366285 0.380624 0.500417 0.513157 0.384308
1.0 0.480384 0.480384 0.441999 0.441999 0.518770 0.518770 0.480384
plot_tmlegain(df, inference_col=inference_cols, outcome_col='y', treatment_col='w', p_col='p',
              n_segment=5, cv=kf, calibrate_propensity=True, ci=True)
plot(df, kind='gain', tmle=True, inference_col=inference_cols, outcome_col='y', treatment_col='w', p_col='p',
     n_segment=5, cv=kf, calibrate_propensity=True, ci=True)

Qini Curve with TMLE as Ground Truth

Qini Curve without CI

qini = get_tmleqini(df, inference_col=inference_cols, outcome_col='y', treatment_col='w', p_col='p',
                    n_segment=5, cv=kf, calibrate_propensity=True, ci=False)
X-Learner Actual Random
0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
100000.0 53513.373815 59840.329296 24964.329463
200000.0 92693.576894 104578.508000 49928.658925
300000.0 121232.782373 132653.427128 74892.988388
400000.0 136045.083604 145388.277994 99857.317851
500000.0 124821.647313 124821.647313 124821.647313
plot_tmleqini(df, inference_col=inference_cols, outcome_col='y', treatment_col='w', p_col='p',
              n_segment=5, cv=kf, calibrate_propensity=True, ci=False)
We also provide the api call directly with plot() by input the kind as 'tmleqini'
plot(df, kind='qini', tmle=True, inference_col=inference_cols, outcome_col='y', treatment_col='w', p_col='p',
     n_segment=5, cv=kf, calibrate_propensity=True, ci=False)

Qini Score

qini_score(df, tmle=True, inference_col=inference_cols, outcome_col='y', treatment_col='w', p_col='p',
           n_segment=5, cv=kf, calibrate_propensity=True, ci=False)
X-Learner    23814.998608
Actual       33683.500462
Random           0.000000
dtype: float64

Qini Curve with CI

qini = get_tmleqini(df, inference_col=inference_cols, outcome_col='y', treatment_col='w', p_col='p',
                    n_segment=5, cv=kf, calibrate_propensity=True, ci=True)
X-Learner Actual X-Learner LB Actual LB X-Learner UB Actual UB Random
0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
100000.0 53513.373815 59840.329296 46827.611036 51915.622165 60199.136594 67765.036427 24964.329463
200000.0 92693.576894 104578.508000 79515.426034 89298.783725 105871.727753 119858.232275 49928.658925
300000.0 121232.782373 132653.427128 103649.630931 113772.913012 138815.933816 151533.941243 74892.988388
400000.0 136045.083604 145388.277994 115586.643138 124194.530581 156503.524070 166582.025407 99857.317851
500000.0 124821.647313 124821.647313 124821.647313 124821.647313 124821.647313 124821.647313 124821.647313
plot_tmleqini(df, inference_col=inference_cols, outcome_col='y', treatment_col='w', p_col='p',
              n_segment=5, cv=kf, calibrate_propensity=True, ci=True)
plot(df, kind='qini', tmle=True, inference_col=inference_cols, outcome_col='y', treatment_col='w', p_col='p',
     n_segment=5, cv=kf, calibrate_propensity=True, ci=True)